Each memorial includes personalized name and date lettering, a sturdy concrete foundation, and professional installation.


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Each foundation dug by Champlain Monuments is done by a direct employee of the company, ensuring the work going toward your valued memorial is understood & performed by someone who knows the importance of cemetery care.

Whether you are in need of a new memorial, need foundation repair, or need full cemetery restoration, you can rely on Champlain Monuments to provide work & professionalism that has kept us at the top of our industry for over 40 years.
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One of the most important, yet unseen features of every cemetery are the concrete foundations on which every monument rests upon.

Champlain Monuments ensures that every installation we do is done with careful attention to detail, and that includes a properly installed concrete foundation.

Unfortunately, cutting corners on a part of the job that goes commonly unnoticed is far too common with some dealers. This can often result in a displaced foundation, causing a monument to become unlevel or even tip over.
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